Méthode Kneipp

The dangers and benefits of cold at the heart of a conference proposed in Delémont

The two speakers will discuss the dangers and benefits of cold.
Soulagement de l'anxiété de l'enfant chez l'enfant

Christa Weber, trainer of the Swiss Kneipp method therapists, and Arthur Taniyelyan, expert of the Wim Hof method.

The good practices of cold will be the theme of the conference that Christa Weber, trainer of the Swiss therapists of the Kneipp method, and Arthur Taniyelyan, expert of the Wim Hof method, will present on Thursday at 7 pm in the auditorium of the FARB in Delémont.
This evening is proposed by the Delémont section of the Université populaire. The two speakers learned about the extreme cold at the North Cape, in minus 20˚C. They will exchange on its dangers and on its…